Starta din nya Astra Militarum armé här.
Games Workshop63 datacards for use alongside Codex: Astra Militarum Speed up your games wi...I lager: 2 st199,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopDisciplined, well-drilled Troops for your Astra Militarum army Builds 10 Sho...I lager: 1 st371,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopAn inspiring HQ choice to help lead your Astra Militarum army Builds a Cadia...I lager: 1 st342,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopWeapon teams to provide Heavy Support for your Astra Miltiarum army Builds t...I lager: 3 st371,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopLong-range Heavy Support artillery for your Astra Militarum army Builds two ...Lagervara, tillfälligt slut.414,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopHunt foes with a sturdy Fast Attack walker for your Astra Militarum army Dis...I lager: 3 st342,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA potent psyker and HQ choice for your Astra Militarum army Manifest terrify...I lager: 1 st247,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA mighty battle tank to provide Heavy Support for your Astra Militarum army ...I lager: 2 st746,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe ultimate HQ choice to lead your Astra Militarum army to victory! Mounted...I lager: 1 st466,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopAn indomitable HQ choice to lead the Cadians of the Astra Militarum to victor...I lager: 2 st342,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA frontline Heavy Support tank for your Astra Militarum army Choose from a d...I lager: 2 st499,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA mighty Lord of War option for your Astra Militarum army Super-heavy tanks ...I lager: 1 st1307,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopChimera är Imperial Gaurds mest använda armerade trupptransportfordon. Dessa ...I lager: 2 st437,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderBasilisk är en mobil artilleriplattform bestyckad med en massiv Earthshaker k...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 2-3 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)490,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multi-part plastic kit makes 3 Bullgryn miniatures which can be armed wi...I lager: 3 st466,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopHydra Flak Tank är utrustad för att skjuta ned flygande fiender. Bestyckad me...I lager: 2 st466,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderMed sitt dödliga långdistansartilleri, är Imperial Guard Manticore Rocket Lau...I lager: 1 st490,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopValkyrie Assault Carrier är en tvåmotorig attackfarkost som används för luftl...I lager: 2 st684,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble...I lager: 2 st281,00 kr SEK