Hem » TERRÄNG & LANDSKAP » Möbler, inredning och smådelar » Galactic Warzones - Storage Crates

Galactic Warzones - Storage Crates

339,00 kr SEK
Lagerstatus: 1st


Scenery plays a vital part in any miniature wargame whether you are playing Historical, Science Fiction or Fantasy battles. The Battlefield in a Box range of tabletop-ready scenery is a quick and easy way to create a wargaming table straight out of the box, suitable for any scale miniature troops to fight over.

Box contains:

3 x Green Crates
3 x Blue Crates
3 x Red Crates
3 x Pallets

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Artnr: 9420020241428
Lagerstatus: 1st
OBS! Samtliga figurer, terräng etc levereras omålade om inget annat anges. (gäller ej tryckta komponenter till brädspel)

Please not that all miniatures, terrain etc will be delivered unpainted unless otherwise specified. (does not apply to printed components for boardgames)