Games Workshop Mail OrderHandmaidens of the Everqueen are warrior guards sworn to live and die in the ...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)119,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderEllyrian Reavers are the descendants of generations of expert cavalry from El...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)654,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderKorhil Lionmane is claimed to be the strongest Elf in all of Ulthuan by both ...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)149,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThe Great Eagles of Ulthuan have always been firm allies to the Elves. The hi...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)259,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe most aggressive High Elf Lords will ride a Dragon into battle, where few ...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN589,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe Swordmasters of Hoeth are exemplars of the martial arts, capable of incre...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN623,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe White Lions of Chrace have served the Phoenix Kings since the time of Cal...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN623,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe High Elf Realms are able to muster some of the finest fighting forces acr...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN1359,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopEagle-claw Bolt Throwers are used for heavy support. Its clever design allows...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN423,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe High Elves are masters of magic, as well as crafting wargear that is not ...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN333,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe High Elves march to war from the ten kingdoms of Ulthuan, the mysterious ...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN205,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderHills offer a tactical advantage for artillery, archers, and any commander se...FÖRBOKA: KÖP OCH RESERVERA VARAN339,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderA War Altar of Sigmar is one of the most inspirational sights for the devout ...I lager: 3 st619,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderEmpire Steam Tanks are monstrous, smoke-belching engines of war, each powered...I lager: 2 st620,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThe Knights of the White Wolf are loud and brash warriors who follow the cree...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)230,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThe Knights of the Blazing Sun are vigilant students of war who strive for pe...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)230,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderWarrior Priests of Ulric follow the mighty god of battle, wolves, and winter ...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)360,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderWitch Hunters are ever vigilant for outbreaks of rebellion and myriad evil th...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)120,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderWarrior Priests of Sigmar lead and inspire troops in battle, and also ministe...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)120,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderWarrior Priests of Sigmar lead and inspire troops in battle, and also ministe...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)360,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThe Order of the Knights Panther is dedicated to the eradication of Chaos and...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)230,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderHans von Löwenhacke was destined to serve the Empire, and he has long done so...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)312,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderCaptains of the Empire are trusted officers chosen to lead their province’s f...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)240,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderImperial Engineers are eccentric scientists, often tinkering with new and exp...I lager: 1 st230,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderGalrauch the Great Drake has been consumed by the warping power of the Great ...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 1-2 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)680,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe Helstorm Rocket Battery was inspired by a particularly impressive firewor...I lager: 3 st423,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopEmpire Archers are organised into small groups of skirmishers who support reg...Lagervara, tillfälligt slut.471,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopFlagellants are hordes of penniless zealots who band together under the leade...I lager: 4 st589,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopEmpire Greatsword regiments are made up of distinguished and decorated State ...I lager: 5 st646,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopState Missile Troops go to war carrying deadly ranged weapons. Handgunners an...I lager: 6 st646,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopEmpire State Troops march forth from every province and city-state. They are ...I lager: 6 st646,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThis set includes 1 teardrop-shaped flame template, a circular blast marker w...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 3+ veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)110,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis boxed set builds the core of a mighty Empire of Man army for Warhammer: ...I lager: 2 st1359,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multipart plastic kit builds two commanders, which can be used as Genera...I lager: 2 st219,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis set includes 20 Empire of Man themed dice. They are cast in a pearlescen...I lager: 3 st333,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multipart plastic kit builds two powerful artillery pieces for your Empi...I lager: 7 st423,00 kr SEK