Games WorkshopCommand your Death Guard forces Spray noxious fluids with your plague spewer...I lager: 1 st309,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis 55-piece plastic kit makes one Miasmic Malignifier, a Death Guard-specif...2st494,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThis 20-piece plastic kit makes one Malignant Plaguecaster, one Noxious Bligh...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 2-3 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)550,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a s...I lager: 2 st466,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail Order- A unique Lord of Contagion model armed with a manreaper - Three extremely d...I lager: 1 st360,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 S...I lager: 1 st466,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderThis set includes the following multipart plastic models:– 1x Infernal Master...1st1183,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA diabolical HQ unit for Thousand Sons armies.Call on infernal pacts to debil...I lager: 1 st309,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopUnleash terrifying Warp Storm powers with the psychic Knight Abominant Shred...I lager: 1 st1368,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopVicious melee Chaos Knight skirmishers with chaintalons and slaughterclaws B...I lager: 2 st684,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopIconic Elites for Chaos Space Marines Five Chosen with a huge variety of hea...I lager: 2 st466,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA machine-mastering HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines armies Enrages and rev...I lager: 2 st309,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA sinister HQ choice for supporting Chaos Space Marines armies Blast foes wi...Lagervara, tillfälligt slut.414,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopFanatical Troops for Chaos Space Marines Builds 10 Cultists armed with a var...I lager: 1 st371,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop Mail OrderHeavy Support and Fast Attack options for Chaos Space Marine armies A Venom...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 2-3 veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)590,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multipart plastic kit builds eight Accursed Cultists – five twisted Muta...I lager: 2 st414,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis multipart plastic kit builds five Possessed, monstrous close combat figh...I lager: 1 st466,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThis set includes the following multipart plastic models:– 1x Bloodmaster– 3x...I lager: 1 st1183,00 kr SEK
Games Workshop88 datacards for use alongside Codex: Chaos Daemons Contains 43 Stratagems, ...I lager: 1 st199,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopFrenzied Troops for World Eaters armies, or bloody Elites for Chaos Space Mar...I lager: 3 st494,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopA legendary HQ choice to lead your World Eaters army Charges from the skies ...I lager: 1 st494,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopThe monstrous Daemon Primarch of Khorne, a legendary Lords of War choice to l...I lager: 2 st1245,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopSavage stimm-charged human Troops for your World Eaters army Builds 10 Jakha...I lager: 2 st414,00 kr SEK
Games WorkshopMutated butchering Elites for your World Eaters army Builds three Exalted Ei...I lager: 1 st466,00 kr SEK