BattlefrontThe Sd Kfz 10/4 half-track mounts a 20mm anti-aircraft gun on a crosscountry ...BESTÄLLNINGSVARA 3+ veckor (förutsatt att grossist ej har slut)279,00 kr SEK
I lager: 1 st39,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontContains five plastic M4 Sherman Tanks, three plastic M3 Stuart Tanks, two pl...I lager: 3 st529,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes three plastic M7 Priests, one plastic Commander sprue, one Decal She...I lager: 1 st179,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes four plastic M10 3-Inch Tank Destroyers, four plastic Commander spru...I lager: 2 st219,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes four metal, resin and plastic T28E1s and one Unit card. The T28E1 C...I lager: 2 st299,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes two metal and resin P40 Warhawk Fighters, two plastic flight stands,...I lager: 2 st189,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontPre-painted Terrain! Contains 10 Ruined Desert Walls, 1 Ruined Desert Well an...I lager: 1 st319,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes four plastic 105mm Howitzers, four plastic Gun Crew sprues and one U...I lager: 4 st229,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes five plastic M3 Stuart tanks, one plastic Commander sprue, one Decal...I lager: 4 st289,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontPre-painted Terrain!Contains a Ruined Large Desert House Scenery plays a vit...I lager: 1 st179,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontUnit cards for Flames of War 4.0 sold separately for the first time - intende...I lager: 6 st79,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontFor a limited time only boxes of Unit Cards will be available for each Flames...I lager: 2 st79,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontThe Armies Of Late-War Unit Card Packs contain all the information on the uni...I lager: 1 st99,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontWith their equipment outclassed by the enemy’s, the Italian soldier had no ch...I lager: 1 st149,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontCommand Cards provide Flames Of War generals with a way to further personalis...I lager: 1 st29,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontFor a limited time only the Avanti Unit Card Pack will be available. The pack...I lager: 1 st79,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontThe British Army has the Italian-German armies in Africa caught in a vice, an...I lager: 1 st159,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontCommand Cards allow Flames Of War generals to field iconic warriors, build ne...I lager: 3 st89,00 kr SEK
Battlefrontincludes two Ranged In tokens, four Foxholes tokens, eight Pinned Down tokens...I lager: 1 st79,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontContains two resin and metal Daimlar Armoured Cars, one resin and metal Dingo...I lager: 1 st229,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontContains 39 unit cards with all the statistics and rules you need to bring yo...I lager: 1 st89,00 kr SEK
BattlefrontFlames Of War is now turning its eyes to the war in the east as Germany and t...I lager: 1 st169,00 kr SEK
I lager: 1 st99,00 kr SEK